Reporter: Sando3 Offender: Deeberz Offence: Advertising Evidence: [IMG] [IMG]
Reporter: TiGeRzFtW Offender: The_Brute_Wolf Offence: Advertising Evidence: [IMG]
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: max6599 Offence: Advertising Evidence: [IMG] @Mvxine
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: Bayrd Offence: Advertising Evidence: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] @Mvxine
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: DxddyJr Offence: Filter bypass Evidence: [IMG]
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: SwirlinqsWife ( Offence: Plagiarising an application...
You get rewards from the amount of blocks you've mined on OP Prison, but unfortunately only ores register as a block being mined. I suggest making...
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: Belindya ( Offence: Plagiarising an application Evidence: -...
Reporter: TiGeRzFtW Offender: cheesefry Offence: Death wishes Evidence: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Reports: TiGeRzFtW (shush) Offender: Not_iBeaturscore Offence: Advertising : DDDD EvidenCe: [IMG] [IMG]
The previous report by @Crazytaco was recently closed due to him not being able to check if this still was a problem. He asked me to check and...
IGN: Sando3 Gamemode: Towny Glitch: The voting system doesn't work on Towny, you do not receive money or XP-levels. [IMG] Evidence: YouTube Steps:...
✧Introduction✧ Hello all, before I start with the app id like to let you all know a little bit about myself. I'm a bear. I love bears. I also like...
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: Silvgriff02 Offence: Trolling (killing the villager + teammates) Evidence: [MEDIA]
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: JJN1219 Offence: Being a mean cow (profanity + filter bypassing) Evidence: [IMG]
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: Highlighting Offence: Being a mean cow (profanity) Evidence: [SPOILER]
I suggest adding the command /ah back to Towny so people can again buy and sell items of each other. Towny is popular again, and I think this...
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: Darkhound2169 Offence: Death wishes Evidence: [IMG]
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: jujiem1 Offence: Advertising Evidence: [IMG]
Reporter: Sando3 Offender: IkoTropaYT Offence: Being a mean, hacking cow Evidence: [MEDIA]