Thx M8 R8 8/8
I cant play now i got exams to do
I have p4 im not a nub
IGN- PVP SKILL (1-100)- Skype name- Have you scammed? Have you hacked? Do you like tuna fish sandwiches-
IGN - HotLava801 PvP Skills (1/10) -8 Rank - None (will be getting rank) Have you ever betrayed someone? - Nah mayne Have you ever attacked...
Its a glitch really it should show that you voted more than 3 times soon :D
DaNIEL = 3 year old
:D <3
Download optifine turn on max fps render distance to tiny all particles off veiw boobing off smooth lighting down brightness half way down then u...
Thx guys :D
ADD Alchemy- it will up gameplay and make the game cooler and more people will play factions. ADD PVP ARENA- For a place where people cant escape...
if fly is able to be used like in super smash bros hackers can fly
This is 100% wrong if /fly was allowed then it would give hackers a chance to fly
100% it be so cool
Thx M8 R8 8/8 hopefully we can be friends :D
Thx m8 hopefully we can be friends :D
That is the most kind thing ive seen today :)
Thank you ! i hope we can be friends :D
I remember hunger games good times :'(