[ATTACH] Me and Noobcrew Chilling At Spawn :P
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ItsMeAlison The offender's exact ingame name: JoeyH04...
Never said in my school ever. But I do understand what I did was wrong, though.
I decided to do it because I felt that the wording was exctaly how I would choose to say it and it concluded it all very well. Clearly I shouldn't...
It was truly Please ignore my last applciation, it doesn't truly reflect who I am, I do apolgise and this is more true and honest.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ItsMeAlison The offender's exact ingame name:...
Same, What part?
Ayy, Are you Irish?
I did for some parts, Since then I have studied the rules, and learnt it's not acceptable what I did. You have a valid reason to not support me.
Yeah, Just explain the problem.
Might have to ask a mod?
*Disclaimer, Everything I have said is all from me and is truly honest* Alison's Mod Application My Ingame Name: My current in-game name is...
Yes for them all.
Your in-game name: My current username is Its_Me_Alison. I do not plan on changing it any time soon What timezone are you in? I am currently in...
Thank you for raising this issue, and I will reply in order. After being banned, I reflected on what I did and after that, I made sure, with...
Please delete this, Re-making my application
On Skyblock the words to unscramble are still Halloween words and Halloween is obviously over so maybe its time to add Christmas Words now! or...
Recently, I have been having problems, where some Skyblock players have been coming to mine and other people's islands and setting warps, Firstly...