this thread should be locked and archived, it has nothing to do with moderator applications.
support. bebeh
pile, what's going on with mineverse? people are getting demoted and promoted, and it's just not mineverse anymore, one day a guy's mod, the next...
and he just instantly got mod..... .-.
i do recall you telling me in-game, that you could easily become mod again by just telling them to mod you, so, (about the time you resigned...)
that's not true :)
Says panda in pms.... very disrespectful....
not rate abusing... :)
I'm immature? @PandaBear__ "My panties flew off my body and disintegrated."
thanks man!
The video is uploading... Be patient daddy....
1. Offender's ign: ' dlpgt4' 'XxMusicFTWxX' 2. My Ign: NovaPhd 3. Summary: Hacks. 4. Evidence: Video Evidence Belooooow! Enjoy :p [media] (Video...
Support. Again, Cuz Y0105w3g420B14z3
support bebeh!
i'd say definitely around the 30 second mark, he toggles.... he's a hard one to catch, indeed. (sorry for posting here)
1. Offender's ign: 'HAZARDgamer42' 2. My Ign: NovaPhd 3. Summary: Swearing, and possible player disrespect, hazard constantly toggles kill...
How old are you? um..... 69 Your in-game name: what isn't my in game name? What timezone are you in? what time zone am I not in? What country do...
there's a screenshot right up there :p also, no one was "bullying" you, if so where's your evidence?