@Ares_Xena This is evidence of the third gender, I told you!
Is that @Kenju ?
Have fun then :(
You got it wrong
I never understood how people got on it...
Can you link the reports that accused you of hacking when you weren't?
You're not weed
Banana trees are herbs not trees
Violet is good too
He could be agreeing to the second line :t:
I shouldn't have argued, was being too salty and dense. Sorry about that :/
There's better things to do, like, fixing the gamemodes, or resetting them But we get discord and unbans so it's all good ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Never again
You eat breakfast in the morning
Do it You have no backbone Might as well be a worm
Of all the PFPs you could pick...