excused ecks dee
I joined pretty late, mid 2016, but the people i met while playing factions and infection were well worth it
lol ive been beaten by everyone i've ever 1v1'ed. guess that's y i play ranged games
LOL u are completely right, especially about the staff. I've went on op pvp on multiple occasions and spammed death threats for the hell of it and...
what brain cells?
no support for now
this isn't the right place to ask for helpful advice buttttt, self harm does not mean suicide. people who cut dont wanna die, it's just a super...
why dont y'all just ask for end resets on a 3 month interval instead of complaining that the end is wasted every 3 months
it tastes good but no, not chinese food
gotta be careful not to accidentally create a modern art masterpiece
u gay then
one of my friends did this, he just rented it for 2 weeks
u should stay far away, for any interaction with it may result in a ban
the only way mv is coming back is if cyp gives the server up and sells it to someone who gives a crap. wont be surprised if i get banned for this
he's trying to tell y'all that he made another version of his original build in creative. as for y he made the thread in intros, idk
maybe once mv hits a 50 player average the staff team will get motivated. we're at like ~100 now so we almost there