one of the only good mods tbh
ooo hi
But he gets a pass because of the fitting context
yeahh sure y not
y do u even pay enough attention to her to notice she made a new song?
cool. .
didn't even know there was one
At least it’s better than high schoolers, where u have to wait behind someone for five minutes so they can get their parking right
everything in moderation
very noteworthy and most impressive
How do u even fail that .-.
oof bye
thanks, best of luck to you as well
cuz there are millions of people who have the same/higher grades. plus most of my extracurricular doesn't reflect my desired major
good luck and thank you
wow never thought i'd see this day
All A's except for 1 B, and it still looks like i have no chance for any good college
no u
rip :/