that's amazing
finally someone realizes
ill start playing again if they add infection back
what about his two years late?
once again, cool but how does this help the server??
there shouldn't be a problem with moderating, ESPECIALLY when there are ~15 mods and usually around only 50 ppl online at a time, all of which are...
but mv has an average player count of ~50 at any given time at this point, why bother with these changes instead of making a last attempt to bring...
kermit soo-i-side
discord in a nutshell
monosodium glutamate, it's a common ingredient in junk food that's really good at enhancing taste. Like salt, but way better. but obviously it's...
think about how msg tastes, plus a bit of spicy-ness. That's about it.
Plan B
anime gets everyone at some point
that's great and all but how does it help the server???
awwwww goodbye and good luck on your quest for egirls. pls tell me if u find any juicy egirl servers
hello and welcome, server's pretty dead tho
i wish i could do factoring again lol
OOOOF nothing’s forever I guess, gl with other stuff in ur life
Just masking the crippling depression