No Support
ik. just an idea
Get more diamond stuff from villagers like /warp village maybe
No Support Not the nether either.. more dup glitches
lets add a new map called Paris to infection.
would the command be something like /chest /chest 2 /chest 3 and so on for the ranks.
or. Come Back Tommorow *Later next day* Waiter there's nothing in my soup
it still going on right now?
no... prestige 4... not the titan armor
No support i like the idea of this thread having more prestige levels but for the stuff you picked i would say no
Make sure the battery is working than You will have electric soup Waiter theres A bird in my soup!
... A
Fill it up with the cow from the other soup bowl Waiter there's a Disco Ball in my soup
Your Going down!.!.!