two :/
uh huh
217 (long way to go)
Didn’t mean to make you cry
breeding currently doesn’t seem to work on survival.
definitely needs to be fixed. Also same with the skeleton horses around spawn.
all my ads at the bottom are cat related...
do you think this is a joke or something? ;)
thats what im here for. ;)
and maybe an even more important thing is those missing blocks on the underside of spawn.
Oh yes. very important
I feel for you
oh i never noticed
i never was.
No support.
apparently all the minecraft servers are down. do you know why?
when :lol:1.9:lol: comes out and if mineverse decides to add it I would probs want to quit even though I couldn't because I have a high rank (Titan)
SUPPORT!!! dun dun dun!!! :woot:
oh ok