I was just wondering if there was a chance at all it could be removed? Yes, it's possible to complete but who is going to pay over 3 million for a...
Okay so I've never tried this before, but here goes. The aim of the game is to re-create the person above you in some kind of drawing program...
There have been so many pokemon games over the last few decades, with some more memorable than others! So I thought with the release of new...
I'm VIP and my friend is Premium and for some reason when we try to select the zombie horse it tell us we need to have atleast Premium to use it,...
This suggestion is based off what @WolfBane said on my thread about changing my ign: So I don't know if this would be possible for this server (I...
I was thinking, when it gets to Novermber should I change my IGN to WinterWaffles? Feedback would be appreciated because I kinda like it, but my...
Okay so me and my friends were discussing who we would bring to our ideal dinner party and I thought 'I wonder what the forum peoples would say?'...
Random rant: So we (the waffle fam) were watching the Gadget show and there was a little section on DanTDM; I have never personally watched this...
I've never reported somebody before, so I don't know if this is right.. I guess I'm just disappointed that this kind of language is being used in...
Okay listen up; story time. My mum left me some apple pie and when I went to get it from the fridge, there was a post-it note (other square shaped...
Harry Potter. The Hunger Games. Now Divergent. Are they milking the franchise or can they genuinely not fit the final book into one movie?
Okay whoa before you go there it's a sheep on creative thats currently a bit hollow and sad. Not asking that question. Anyone got any ideas?...
I know i'm just being impatient but i'm so bored atm I hope the server maintenance is quick. Are other people playing perfectly fine? Just 'cause...
[IMG] Okay so i'm curious what the people of mineverse think because i've been using mods on my singleplayer games but what mod* would you want...
Oh look I redid this and nobody shall notice <3 My ign is xWinterWafflesx and I advise that if you see me around, you should say hi :D I play...