Hey! so I thought I'd make this thread for any people who like books, or want to start reading more and are looking for some new titles, as some...
My IGN: xWinterWafflesx His ign: wackywildboy reason: fly hacks and supposed griefing evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH]
my ign: xWinterWafflesx player's IGN: Deniel07 reason: lot and lots of spam evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH]
my IGN: xWinterWafflesx Player's IGN: THEtntMAN123 Reason: appearing to teleport to me in the a mine whilst only being a c mine rank Evidence:...
My Ign: xAutumnWafflesx Their Ign: ej8kidd Reason: Profanity and racism. Seems to think I'm in the wrong for asking him to stop and calling him...
So a few other players and I have not been able to get on to gta, and I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem like this recently? When I...
Heyo My fam are asking what I want for Christmas so I thought I would ask mineverse to get some ideas. At the moment I am not getting anything and...
my IGN: xAutumnWafflesx Player's IGN: Jared151 Reason: Spamming & Inappropriate language Evidence: (Sorry if you can't see them maybe the earlier...
My IGN: xAutumnWafflesx Player's IGN: Jared151 REason: spam & inappropriate language evidence: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
My IGN: XAutumnWafflesx player's IGN: zacharyhiebert reason: spam & inappropriate language Evidence: [IMG] [IMG]
Hey all, I fancied a little game of word association :) Rules are simple: You say a word that somehow relates to the word above Keep it...
AutumnlyBubbles recently changed her ign from xmagicalretardx and can no longer access her chests on skyblock. Is there any way to fix this?...
My IGN: xAutumnWafflesx Offender's IGN: G_Link10, CuddleLeopard Reason: spamming Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH]
My Ign: xAutumnWafflesx Offender's IGN: _TooManyLlamas Reason: general rudeness and profanity Evidence: (ignore the youtube) [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
My IGN:xAutumnWafflesx Players IGN: ECreeper5151 Reason: exploiting the fly glitch Evidence: (Ignore the youtube) [ATTACH][ATTACH]
UDATED (not sure if it still belongs in skygrid or) Trading all this stuff for 50k skyblock moneys 13 Creeper eggs 14 Magma Cube eggs 10 Slime...
My IGN: xAutumnWafflesx Offender's IGN(s): AmandaToddd, Awrightgirl_ & PlayLikeKobe Reasons: Inappropriate behaviour, death threats (if kys...
My IGN: xAutumnWafflesx Offender's IGNs : Kovanaama11 and DeadlyWoods Reason: spam Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The aim of the game is to finish the person above's sentence e.g: I love to go shopping, but not with my ______ and the person below would say...
My IGN: xAutumnWafflesx Offender's IGN(s): FredEHDD, bodge1 and JDTGaming Reasons: Flaming and Disrespect. Evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]