my ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: Migmell reasion: advertising evidence: [ATTACH]
my ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: PositionMagician reasons: spam, advertising Evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH]
my Ign: xWinterWafflesx their Ign: xXWreckingballXx reason: Mod disrespect and profanity evidence:
my ign: xWinterWaffles their ign: Slime_King_1 reason: advertising a death warp evidence: [MEDIA]
my ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: Deansy reason: death threats and profanity evidence: [ATTACH]
my ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: FroggyPVP_ reeason: fly/jump hacking evidence: (filmed a video then took necessary...
my ign: xwinterwafflesx their ign: BiohazardMutate reason: death wishes, spam evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH]
my ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: BoefjeeYT reason: hacking evidence: [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
my ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: Kerimgamer reason: fly hacking evidence: [MEDIA]
That moment when 'it' votes for the server and you get $100 [IMG] [IMG]
My ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: XxDragonSkiller Reason: exploiting the /friend glitch Evidence: [MEDIA] I'm not sure if this is bannable but...
my ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: XxDragonSkiller reason: hacking evidence: around about the 2:30 mark [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Hello, so as most of you know there is a command called /ping and today I would like to propose its removal. Normally, when you type /ping on...
my ign: xWinterWafflesx their ign: Elvarix, iTickleq reasons: continued rudeness to another player, profanity evidence:
my IGN: xWinterWafflesx their Ign: Wolf7437 reason: fly hacking evidence: the password is hacks (no capitals, no spaces) (I caught him flying at...
my Ign: xWinterWafflesx his Ign: Wolf7437 reason: fly hacks Evidence: [MEDIA] should work, if not : [MEDIA]
my ign: xWinterWafflesx their IGN: JDTGaming reason: foul language evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH]
stampboyky accidently bought himself supreme, he was titan (evidence below v) so is there any way to get it back? @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew [ATTACH]
My IGN: xWinterWafflesx Player'sIGN: Frandle_Scarlet1 Reason: flying Evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
My IGN: xWinterWafflesx His IGN: Lapfuwong Reason: harassment, profanity Evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]