2 years ago then smashed it. How old were you when you... talked to a famous person.
#Pile_Of_Tads I Ship It.
Maybe, apply again & show me ig you've changed and become better than ever.
Write down all your memories, all lost loved ones that fought at gallipoli for their country, show respect for all the soldiers that fought for...
Staying at Neutral for now.
C Can't.
We need to meet <3
Pengur removed, due to hacks.
@Titanicguy @Jamie_Games @KimchiNuke @Swiftlicious @Sando3 & Last, But Not Least @TiGeRzFtW
Sorry, read my post above I said I'm not accepting anyone applications here, unless I've asked them to apply in game.
Clan Full! Apply only if I've asked you in game to.
Accepted! Reason: Posh, you're good at PvP, you're decent at Bow, gg m8! good job on getting into the Nubletz! Instant Promotion: None, Be More...
Accepted! Reason: I've had a look at your skills at Bedwars, you're ready to join the Nubletz! Have fun! Instant Promotion: None, For Now, Be...
We're good now ;3
I'm thinking, but haven't you already been accepted to the Squid Squad?
Hello :3
Pending.. Reason: You seem nice, helpful & skillful, but you've got to get more active on Bedwars, I don't think I've ever seen you play 1...