/\ || "Until I get my DylanFIFAHD account back". Which I didn't, but I finished all school work that I had to do, my...
Guys, I am back on Mineverse, finished doing all my school-work, got unbanned on Parkour. So yeah! :D
Are you actually from Hawaii?
Edited now, no more Skypers.
Why is it not good?
Muse, that was weeks ago. xD but then I was hacked.
Ello peepul, this is DylanFIFAHD from Lord Gaming (There is Skating, Crafting, Sniping, Trolling and First Person because this is a gaming clan.)...
Hai peepuuuuuuuuuuul
Of course I was quoted. :wacky:
Sorry for late reply, but nice app :D
Why would i do that? I use my other account incase of being hacked, my IP was banned but he only unbanned the DylanFIFAHD
@xxxvan, You forgot to unban me on my mygingerguy account on Parkour
I'll send you a Server IP on Twitter (i have other account), like that there's no goodbye in pandas, y'know?
Hey guys, i have a confession about Mineverse and for all my friends that were here for me. I am going to have to quit Mineverse forever, (until i...
Got hacked, welcome to my life.
@CypriotMerks @Ares_Xena they could probably help you :>