Well, i said i DID quit Mineverse, but i did change my mind, i've decided to quit again, i've lost interest too much and this is starting to get...
I quit Mineverse, i've lost interest and it's not fun to me anymore.
You were a good mod. (late, am I?)
I wasn't on since the 15th of April, and had not even a single alert?
I find quite frankly that clarencemiguel is the most reported player in history.
This is finally enough proof, here is clarencemiguel saying that he got someone banned for a fake reason. http://prntscr.com/6q9ijh
http://prntscr.com/6q9fnm Here is also him saying that fryzigg is snitching on staff for clarencemiguel.
http://prntscr.com/6q9dn8 Here is also him talking bad to people.
So, I was recording a Faction series on my channel, and I had to stop playing around and report this guy for admitting killaura. Here is the...
Thread link?
So am I.
I think I saw you in OP PvP though...
I was when I was in my DylanFIFAHD account. :(
But if you want. :p My IGN is mygingerguy. :D
I play Parkour. :p
Thanks, Fire! :D
But thanks for that. IDK why I put anonymous on pic. xDD
I can't get it anymore, fire. It's been H.A.C.K.E.D | \/...