Yea, the server went down for a few minutes. It should be fine now.
I'm locking this thread, reasons are because of what others said. I agree with you guys now!
Yes, I agree with you now.
Hi everyone! I have made a few reports, which they were all accepted. These reports are all dealing with in-game money and ranks. Many times, I...
Layne Richard Derrick Benjamin Thomas Madison
John Bryan
Alright thanks. I have waited 24 hours already, but it didn't come through.
Hi, Recently, a player named HyperTiger__ (2 underscores) scammed me on OP Prison. He said that he would get me sponser rank for 2.5Tril. He said...
Hi, I was wondering if the Mineverse Community could have some things added to /friend. 1. Shortcut Command- Players should be able to use /f...
Hi, Recently, A player named BiggestCookie said that he/she would sell an ultra pickaxe on Op Prison to me for 1 mil. I paid the money, and then...
#42kHYPE IGN ImToothakeYT
No, I do not think it is scamming. He must just have a delay or something, but never said "just kidding" or something.
I forgot to screenshot that. Can you just ask him if he said he would give me sand?
Hi, Recently, a player named LotsOfDogs234 said that he/she would give me 1 sand if I guessed his/her old In-Game Name correctly. I got it right,...
IGN: ImToothakeYT Number: 329
#PorkieForMod2K16! I support you! Seen you online lots, especially on OP Prison. Good Luck!! ~Tooth
Alright thanks!
Hi! I was wondering how you rate a comment, like "support" and stuff. Please help! ~Tooth
No support. 1. You are a new member 2. You have bad grammer, and spent little time on this. 3. Read the Mod Application rules before applying....
hm... i really dont know i want to play