Thank you all!
Thanks! Hope to see you in-game sometime! I'm mostly active on OP Prison.
@Pile Can you help me change my information because I wrote I was 16 by accident
Thanks :D
I just realized that I wrote I was 16 years old ;-;
Tooth's Two Month Late Introdution! About me: Many people know me by now, and have some decent information about me, but I'm gonna say it to the...
Thread Lock Request.
Thank you, Torch. No wonder why I lag so much sometimes.
Are you lagging a lot these days on mineverse? I sure am lagging! I use optifine, which doubles my FPS, and I almost never lag. These few days on...
Support. Detailed application. Hope to see you as moderator soon!
Yea we should close this. Thanks Cyp!
Ok thanks IDK y i wanted to know xD
Hi everyone! I think it started yesterday, but OP Prison had an update. Now, at people's plots, you are not able to sell stuff. I tried selling...
bal in opprison?
no support, lack detail
2kkkkkkkkkkkkkk :D
Support. Good idea,
Offender: younggyunmoon01 Swearing in chat Evidence: