@Toweeh ❥ thought of this but didn't use it so I will ;3 What this means is that I will post what I thought while I first started talking to you....
Hey guys. So @BurningDesire nominated me and I explained why I used my voice in the link. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1HRjQRXlNaN Questions I...
Same thing as my TBH [ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/diggys-voice-tbh.53803/ ] but a "Ask me anything" version....
Hey guys! This idea was taken from @Pink , she has given permission to do this so thanks for that. I find it easier to do this because it's more...
Hey guys! I was going through Intro threads when I noticed most of them were them posting questions and answers so I decided to come up with a...
My other one would of been gravedug and I know a bunch of new people so yeah :p
Hey there guys! As you may know, most of this community plays steam as well. Well, my suggestion is to make a steam group called: The Mineverse...
In-game name: DiggyHD_ Offender's in-game name: Extinction788 Rule broken: Being highly inappropriate by mentioning a lot of child pornography....
Hey guys, Diggy here with a suggestion. Fire aspect was recently given to all the swords in the donor groups of MVP and up. You'd think that most...
In-game name: DiggyHD_ Offender's in-game name: JGriff9 Rule broken: Inappropriate language. [Yes @Ares_Xena I am aware of that /ignore command...
In-game name: DiggyHD_ Offender's in-game name: B1ackout123 Rule broken: Advertising Evidence: [IMG]
In-game name: DiggyHD_ Offender's in-game name: DerpyBaconRain Rules broken: Bypassing filter to swear and disrespect. Evidence: [IMG] [IMG]...
My in-game name: DiggyHD_ Offender's in-game name: JaspieO Rule broken: Hacking. Evidence: [IMG] [IMG]
In-game name: DiggyHD_ Offender's in-game name: xXAnonymous101Xx Rule broken: Advertising. Evidence: [IMG] @Ares_Xena #Ares
Hello all, I'm here to suggest that we add more information to the signs at the lobby on infection as they give very little description to the...
Hey guys! Diggy here with a new game. The main point of this game is to say what you would do with the person above you if you could spend one...
Username: DiggyHD_ [KitPvP] Offender's Username: icocci [Skyblock] Offender's Username: jos98756 Rules broken: Advertising. Evidence:...
Post questions below. I will answer them honestly.
Yep. Anything. And everything. *Cough* @Ares_Xena *Cough*
My in-game name: DiggyHD_ Offender's in-game name: Toheedprff786 Rule broken: Advertising. Evidence: http://prntscr.com/7676ln