Lmao, stop being a lier I 1v1ed you on bl and I destroyed you, when you were on the account "Fatshit" and then after that you accused me of...
Then do a titan IDK
Added everything I have on mineverse :>
The mineverse struggle is real .-,
Na, I'm alright.
Do you think it's a good deal??
it's kk
No no you got it wrong It's now just a $20
Gapples aren't easy to get on there but alright, How many do you think I should add?
Any feedback on what I could add?
k :<
Could you do it?
Pm me for more details k.
Bump also for factions it's also blaze spawners
Changed al of this for a $20 dollar rank please buy <333 It's a really good deal.