Few more hours 'till the next top voters are drawn, and I really hope I'm one of them :D
IGN: Sticstar: Well as I was making my account, I saw a Stick of glue next to the monitor. Then it came to me, what if I added "Star" after...
If OP Prison was reset now…. yeah, I wouldn't be happy :baw:
Of topic? This thread doesn't even HAVE a topic anymore. Just go to the first page "….." :P
….. stop….just…stop… nuuuuuh
Now the title's been changed…. makes sense.
Mhm… Mod better lock this one up quick before things really get out of hand :P
This is how many people behave in the world today unfortunately. You just have to ignore it and make sure you don't do it yourself.
Thanks plenty m8 :). @Yin close this thread please?
Just hit rank O Myself :P
@ScuFu13 … Yeah, that guy's awesome :P
Hey all, sorry to ask such a nooby question, but I'm afraid I'm having much trouble with selling Donour Items ( e.g Titan pick, MVP pick, Omega...
I'm an elder member
Happy Christmas :D
Beast sig m8 :P
Meh 2
I'm guessing this thread is the reason people wanna get mod :P… So they can troll people
Would be… 44