oh okay thanks
from with you told me I can't make out if it's going to be fun or not. but I don't understand the principe so I won't judge it. also I don't know...
haha XD thx let's hope the introduction is not to boring XD
I'm also a year on the forums already before I even considered intruducing me :p - What is your name? In game it is morectus - How old are you?...
I'm supporting. and for the buildings for rent I support that to. the GTA server makes a lot of new oppertunities for the players. (if you look...
people don't think that way you see what you get before paying. se people think they pay for the abilities. My personal opinion is simple titans...
oh ok i'll try
Hello everyone. Before my app I would like to say this is my second MOD app. And I hope this one is way better than my last one because everyone...
bumb XD
daily bumb. i also edited the app a bid.
i agree. but thats something cyp/noobcrew has to see. because they chose the mods and no one else. and they will only notice it when a lot of...
I agree Because you should be known if you report people often. I think your chances have to increase when you apply for mod than. Of course you...
daily bumb :)
thx i will use this ;)
Ok thank you. I will edit the app tomorrow. When i can go on my computer again. It's already 11:15 pm here;)
can you explain why. so i can improve.
Who am I? My in real name is rob. My personality hmmm the best way to describe me is as me. I have my good sides but also my bad sides of course....
unfortunatly that's illigal to. its legal when you buy gifd codes from minecraft vut you may not give your acc away for free either if i...
i don't think they will just rank you up. but i think they will fix it now as fast as possible.
the best ding you can do now. is to talk to a mod and tell him the truth. that you did not now it and won't do it again. than you hope.