bump ;)
Herf it is not alone words like glass. I think that if you read this thread completely you will notice that their are a lot more words with "as s"...
no support. for me the voters ranking up to higher than mvp is already to much.
support there is truly to much lagg
Sorry it just dissappeared because you can't type it here eiter
hello everyone ;) My suggestion is to unsencor "as s" Why? Well if you want to type grass or glass you get for grass: grmeep and for glass...
no support. I agree with chain on this point
Support. I can't find reasons not to XD And neutral rating pls
For the reset I support. But for the removal of the commands that only titans have no support. Or you need to find something better to give them...
reason I am reporting is because I got scammed. my ingmane player name: morectus the ingame name of the scammer is: xxdinlkeberryxx proof: [MEDIA]
support. and are their any ways to teleport up maybe? because they changed a lot and I alaways need to run throught the stairs now. which is rlly...
Your ingame name: morectus The offender's ingame name: alexieoo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: they snammed my I gave...
hmmm I would personally the collour has to be the collour from the rank itself. that makes most sense. I think the players that won't have a...
Your ingame name: morectus The offender's ingame name:GeeTeez A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: This is disrespect I...
thank you for your reaction. I will try and improve it tomorrow because it is midnight here.
hello guys. please give me some more reactions. I would like to have as many reactions as i can.
I’m just a regular lagger so I know the difference. Personally I think you should punish them a bid harder because they lost the fight. And with...
I'm sorry I still don't understand it completely. from the vids I saw it is a game for designing homes and then I saw a platforming vid. I'm...