for skyblock 1) no shop in skyblock. let people make them pls 2) an /encherchest command would be usefull for ranked players 3) keep the...
XD I am always late to the party ;) anyway, like you explained it to us. it sounds perfect. but I think would would already have this, if it was...
I suppport this the fullest. personall I dislike teamspeak. I find discord the best chat/voice chat theis is atm. way better than teamspeak. make...
support. their are way to many cars in gta.
no support. I have no doubt that people are on their best behaviour when their is a moderator around. but I would not like it when an invisble...
support. why not XD
neutral. this rule would only be usefull if you permanent ban people for scamming which will never happen cause the community is agains that.
I was using that as an example. the point of my readtion is that the lag was resolved with making a suggestion aboud resolving that problem. and...
look I can't help you with your problem of losing 16T. But I think everyone knew the laggs in OP prison? anyway they are fixed now by simply...
I support this thread. this server is indeet dying and we need some big chanches to fix it. I agree with all the arguments above. Even with the...
I support this. but I support an reset more
I do not want the nether enabled and I do not want a server shop. all the rest support
I support /duel but let people do /duel accept and /duel decline. and people may not use it to flee from battle of you are gonna die and do /duel...
support. I do not need anything to change. I like it like it is now.
thank you for the support already ;) lets hope more people will soon follow ;)
Hi everyone. My suggestion is very simple. An /island ban (player) fix on skyblock. Normally when you do this the player you banned cannot come...
neutral. they pick the mods they THINK are trustworthy. how can you trust a person to not abuse something if you never saw him before. all you...
well it is not nececarely bound to age. but some people take longer than others isn't that normal? anyway I think you get my point. I would make...