pls be more detailed. and tell us the commands/kits it should have on every server. your only saying a rank that costs 1000-1500$ that has...
thanks ;)
hello everyone. my favourite server is skyblock and its been ofline for a while now. and thay have announced a resset longer than a month ago...
I will stop discussing because we could go on forever. still disagree tho. But I apreciate your opinion.
cause your stuck to the prices of the ranks. you can't donate 1.50 or 2 dollar. you would be able to donate a custom amount of money.
support why not XD
@Titanicguy pls don't just press no supprt a reason would also be apreciated. correct MOST people do. and the ones that don't want anything in...
Support. Something should be done. And I think kits are involved in this. Yet is ginving people their kits back the solution. Maybe a kit that...
I peronally think kinsey has some valid reasons. But maybe their are other ways to get your goal. maybe make a seperate spot on the forums with...
never heard of a hockystar before. maybe you have but not me. if your THAT famous I should have atleast heard of you.
bumb!! cmon people we need to get this a thing!
I support this partly. the running away with /jump or /warp should be disabled. the /heal command doesn't make that much of a difference. why?...
it has been suggested before and my opinion didn't change. so still a no support.
hello everyone. I have a question. is is normal that I (rank titan) van't set multiple home's on skygrid or can't mine spawners? cause I have...
support I see diamonds sword way to often in the pvp zones.
I thank you all already for supporting me ;) and I rlly hope we can get more supprts so this will become a thing!
I don't see any bugs in the way I do it now. by just talking with him/her and throwing it. they can only scam you but that isn't a glitch thats...
in my opinion for ranks you get stuff in return like kits and commands. the difference with this sort of donation is that you don't get anything....
hello everyone. my idea is to insert a donate button to mineverse on the site. you would get nothing in return. you can just give in the amount...
I have nothing left to buy here. only maybe when the skyblock resets. I'm already titan XD