No support, just make it longer smh. They will learn their lesson waiting that time
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ItsBlueMC The offender's exact ingame name: Undercase...
guess whos back :D
I'm done with this bs, just lost another p4 set to a hacker, bye everyone pce
every1 was kung fu fightin
@CypriotMerks you saw this guy say it himself. He would be a great moderator, time to promote jk XD
when teamtyler did it I won so get rekt noobs I'm Blueman05YT RealFoodFast, Blueman05, ShrektingPro, ProShrekter (cringe), TimiderTester82 2...
I play two sports a season year round idek how I managed for a brief time xD
^ 100% me.
pls no no no no no
Metallic spear
Gummy bear
Would clearlag still clear these? I suggest you can open someone's inventory when you kill them and then take the stuff you want
got a new skype, pm me
please please please please please fix the writing font and stuff this was the most annoying thing to read
cash me ousside
I turned 9 that year in October :D
anything can happen,