they havent commented yet
and here you are swearing on the forums wow good luck on your appeal, you could be forum banned aswell for that
1. lck99 2. Robisgreat10 3. Swearing 4.
@VaMeSa123 is there any free screen recording software you suggest that I could use? (Mac) sorry if it is off topic
the recording was too late could you close the thread please @VaMeSa123
Ive got FuseMC as an eye witness, he was recording at the time and may be able to send it but if I dont I will post on it saying to close thread
Ill check
1.lck99 2.mad_cal1993 3.scammed 4.
wow rob u just admitted it is ur own fault. So you have deliberately have been baiting people to get them banned... wow you are gonna be hated...
rob you have been rubbing people up the wrong way and causing them to lash out on you so it is your own fault
its not going to get accepted
no support, your rude, immature and you have hacked in the past you dont deserve mod You were having a cry on KITPVP about half an hour ago and...
Your ingame name: lck99 The offender's ingame name: Th3Nick56 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking - Kill Aura...
Support :D
good luck bro
well I am not popular like u <3 and fair enough
good luck nub support