the no spaces and no commas thing isn't part of the name
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: XAGER xRecorrectedVI_ killed my sheep even after telling him not to. 4....
This doesnt only apply for skyblock, but all the other games that once had kits but are removed. In skyblock, gods payed 100 dollars and what do...
I've heard of ppl who r high leveld cuz they have 1 specific block, and that blocks are different when it comes to the effectiveness on ur...
no, that's not what i mean. I.imgur doesn't let u upload screenshots
i can't upload a minecraft screenshot to i.imgur either
ok, ill try, but im nooby in these kidns of things
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: My ign is XAGER The person im accusing is called ThunderMcGee he asked...
I was prestige 10 in infection but it was reset. Is there a possibility that i could at least get to prestige 5?
Support. We need new maps like this but i don't want to replace coastal. btw, halex00 made coastal
Support.:) Awesome spots:pomp:
I know that the next sale is during easter, but what is the date when the sale starts? When will it end?
Thank you Janice999 XD
I'm not playing skyblock anymore, not after the glitch. I changed my name, then i cant access my shop *sigh*
Uqa caught hacking so many times in infection. No proof though :/