No suppport, try to have better grammar, and make your app alot longer. Sorry for the dislike, but this is my opinion.
Lawl, sorry for the language I was just really pissed that someone spent money to troll me. Btw I emailed cup about this. Thank you, you can close...
My in game name: derpyturtle101 What happened, someone bought me premium, even though I was titan before. This has happened to many people. If u...
Support I guess
hmmm my vid is not loading. ill send the link on my computer.
My ign:derpyturtle101 His ign:kaoslegit Scamming heres da video [media]
Yes I did, thanks for responding. Sadly,it did not work, So I just killed myself. @FadedChristi you can close the thread :D
I am reporting this for Kaoslegit His name is Kaoslegit, and didn't get moved back to god rank. Screenshot:
IGN: derpyturtle101 I will agree to the rules: Maybe... Rank: titan Everyday
Same this happened to me too. I am glitched in a block with a bunch of good stuff and levels in kitpvp, But I can't tp out because it keeps...
In game name: derpyturtle101 Gamemode:pvp Hi can any mod tp me out? I am glitching in a block, and about to die D: -thanks derpy
I am not trying to be offensive or anything, but your not going to get titan by this kind of offer. You are probably going to get scammed, so your...
Lol actually I like that :P
Hey philip, can you make me one? I'll take the free one, i'll PM u my skype, the colors light blue please, and saying Too derpy for you :P
Buy my friend from vip-mvp ill give you anything you wnat :P jut private msg me k? :D
Woops sorry, I named it a bunch of people swearing, because I had like 3 other people, but couldn't find the screenshots. Sorry for a misleading...
IGN:derpyturtle101 Flamer: ajnh17113 He got pissed at me cause I killed him in a 1v1 XD
DontchallengeMe, I know we just met each other, But I know everything is going to go well. Just believe in me and our relationship and everything...
Yep eongod should just get banned, he has scammed me, @BuilderNicky1 , @NeoPlaysMC , @bblocker , @crayon1983 ...... mad? , and many more to come....