Well titan is not really useless. You get the better kits, heal others, god on servers, /enchant. Well we try to benefit the server, not try to...
To be honest, I think pets are stupid not just slimes. Pets all they do is create lag, steal exp, block hits or bow shots. I think crew should...
Yep. These immature kids need to stop wasting their money for a troll.
Please post a full screenshot. Mods/admins might think it is edited.
No support, sorry. Good lucky though!
I am going to rebuy Titan :D
No support. Maybe this is because of time zones, but I never see you on. When I do, you are kind of disprespectul in the chat. But Good Luck...
Support, active in game and on the forums. You are perfect for the job.
No support, sorry.
No support, sorry bud
Actually Vip's still get kit captain and major, so they get 16 enderpearls every 5 minutes.
Since in game upgrades are a problem too, they should just make that you can only do your own upgrade
Already happened to me, support.
I would say no support, but you have changed, whenI first saw you on kitpvp. Support :D
Ha, I love this thread. Hate on me all you want, but your just jealous. If you got healed you would not be complaining.
These needs to happen.
Lol Sorry I was typing on my phone and it autocorrected to cup XD. I actually meant cyp :P Just incase if I can get a reply on this quicker, here...
Support, very active and kind in game.