Hi, can you make me a profile picture for me? Like a derpyturtle with swords. If you do, thanks alot. :D
Bump, and support. My reasons are because of love.
Support. Also I love looking at reports :D
Hey sounds less stupid :P
hai :D
Hey :D
My in game name is derpyturtle101. I am 12 years of age, almost 13. {I know my profile says something else :P} The sports I play are nationals...
That's what makes /heal not op.
Yea this happened to me too. But it wasn't tehbeatles, it was eongod. -.-
50 percent support.
Not wasting, *donating. Big difference.
Support, active in game. But try to be more active on the forums. :P
Woah there, I need to just get over with it. I shoot someone, call it the past, and get over it. No it doesn't work like that. But since you have...
No support sorry, you used to hack. Sorry.
Hey there.
Thats why you don't scam any amount
I never said you were wrong. :P Ok on topic again.
Not trying to say your wrong, but that could be from another server and you /nicked as him and said that.
Support earned.