One day later....... Hey guys! Actually I changed mind. I love you all, and that was b.s.
Support, but try to be more active on kitpvp.
Seems legit, support.
Good things about this idea is that, the economy will be alot more stable. But the bad part, is that many players will quit due to this reset. It...
No support -try adding more information -grammar
Ya know, I still got to say VIP, so downgrading yourself would be the best. But if you don't want to, then choose God, because that gets you...
Well, most gods are protection 4. Usually they use the kit god, to sell the kit. If they do need the steak, it will take them atmost 2 minutes to...
Or at least scaring hackers, and toggling hacks.
Also, with this idea, the mods can catch hackers a lot easier.
Support, and when people are on the leaderboard, mods tp to them to see if their hacking.
Actually, there were a couple of spawns before this one.
He probably is talking about dollars, such as on kitpvp.
Yes, but logblock and core protect do the same thing.
When can you be on, I'll refund your stuff.
Who's your cousin?
Nope, but they do have logblock on the Crews other server.
One word, computer. I will buy the best computer, and have skyrocketing fps, so no one will laugh At my 15 fps.
Lol why the dislike? It was just a joke, nothing to be offended by.
Lol, move to the U.S. :p