I know, My comment was a joke too. :P
Guess no one likes anime. D:
Probably downloaded map.
Another 1.8 glitch...
There is nothing wrong with that. Also, support.
Who was your first date?
Grammar is very important. It does not matter wherever you are, the internet is good practice for when you actually do need grammar.
Write down your top 10 anime here! 1. Attack on Titans 2. Full Metal Alchemist 3. Sao 4.Akame ga kill 5. Nisekoi 6.Golden Time 7. Baka to test...
There are so many people who have joined mine verse, there's no way the console can save every single player's days.
Not to offend you or anything, but why did you change your name in the first place?
Sao, or attack on titans?
They can, but if they can not, it's still a good trade. ;D
Love anime too. Hey!
Crew is probably getting a lot of pressure because of this.
Oh gizz, you are such a nice person. :D
Well, even if you did have a video, you still will not get a refund. Sorry for your lost.
You need proof, then post it at the report section.