Support I PAID $100 on Mineverse @CypriotMerks Should give us without us Donors Mineverse would've shut down
Well then he would have to pay about $500 per week
They should lower the cost of Titan
No Support Cyp and Noob already has too spend $75-100 per week like what @flare_snuggles said they would have to pay triple the price If we had...
No Support i once Pvped a Titan he /healed me lost 10 gaps and Died!
Support/No Support i have seen 6 year olds on this server and will ask to their parents "What does D*ck Mean" No Support its because this is...
Happy ANZAC day
I miss you @solmill7
u think Cyp's a NUB WITHOUT CYP this forums wouldn't exist
Lionel Messi soccer barcelona forward
All i think is that trolling kids will just do this /report (player) im a idiot hahah And also this is how 6-8year olds will handle it /report...
31) Promote @Awesomedude9137 to get mod
Pretty selfish and spoilt hey? i can't get titan. You are pretty lucky to have a friend that actually gives u titan.
you called him a noob in that video so No Support
You seem pretty rude too me when you kill me on Survival i was using Sponsor kit and Swearing srsly? You need to fix 4-5 issues to get my support