Listen m8 You better fix this server and connection im getting tired of the same sh*t that happens on the server so you and cyp better fix this...
This was 2 years ago FFS stop DOWNVOTING
omg @MaxNinja10 WHY DID YOU DO THAT he is so RUDE TO ME!!!
support :D we need people like you
Are you leaving!?!?
dude help me :(
are u Recyeling? On mv
dude you don't need to dislike me
What an idiot i used to be i said shut up too people i mustn't been on drugs then i mean wtf?? was i thinking?
w why would you want to remove your rank
add the donor perks list again?
cool glad ur mod
it's ok
Under 12
i follow you follow back'
well i saw you alot i was a VIP or MVP back then and...
what's your user?
Wow! Im a Striker who scored 17 goals for my U12 Team :D To easy we came 1st and won our last 7 games scored 4 hat-tricks as well :)