If you set a warp to your island, you're allowing players to enter to it. Doesn't matter where, you're allowing them to get to your island. So... ._.
Still have not used my first cookie rating :)
Thanks for your feedback :).
I still prefer Firo ;)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °) what's gonna be your new name:t:
Idk, hope so
This refers to MC, and I thought Off-Topic referred to off-topic of in-game but if I'm wrong, then I'm sorry.
I'll remove the 'cin' XD
Well...what do you think? https://mojang.com/2015/01/announcing-minecraft-name-changes/
;-; cant connect
No. Lol this is not gonna happen :).
Yep, thanks for your feedback.