YAY, you're online!!! What's up Imp? How you doing?
Yay! Can't wait to try it out! Thanks Cyp! :)
Support Mirror you would do great as mod. Just something that I'd like to point out is that you should fix the grammar mistakes :P.
Congrats!! :) Hope you do well as Mod ;).
Congrats!! :)
Good bye, sad to see you leave :(. Good luck with your life and we'll be here waiting for you to come back ;).
Hi, welcome :P Hope I get to meet you one day :)
Welcome back Glaad!!! :) @Firo
asdfghjkl hi
Support, everybody deserves a second chance.
Banned for making me edit my post
Is it love?
You ok?
Every time I try to play, I time out ;-;
<3 : D
Hey, welcome to the forums :)