Go to survival please an unclaim the claim you built on my house, I want to claim it fully.
Masterpees, go there pleaese.
Can you go to survival and see it? to see if there is rlly? I cant find it at all.
Hi, I try to claim my new house now, its says there is other claim there and its shows me the size of, when I try to break in there I can means...
Name: MacTheBurger Server: skywars provs: down there the red lines.
I cant access /pay at skywars I did voted I did everything! but its still says I dont have an acess my friends does and I dont! plesae help why I...
Hi my old plot owner name is: tupeeee Now ive got a new name and I forgot to desopit the old plot, can you get the plot back to the name:...
server: creative issue: everytime I log in its kicks me out ! (im not banned) HOW TO FIX IT: can you respawn me to spawn? because its kicks me...
Great spawn! I rlly want it as a spawn.
I either dont know about the "HAWK" kid if he did some stuff to him too but as you can see he swearing him alot, and its getting annyoing
Report the following player: GTX940 Why: Tnt dropping, swearing Server: skywars Provs swearing: http://imgur.com/a/3Xrjj He swearing me all the...
Player: Pelado server: skywars provs: http://www.mediafire.com/view/8ebnsdm9k4t9879/2016-01-02_20.25.02.png
Report the following players: GTX940 , itz3abood Reason: tnt cannon againts the rule + I hope you gonna fix that glitch Screenshots: (In the files...
Player one: Pocman74 Server: kitpvp Player two: BoxAeign Server: kitpvp
Your forums account name: tupeeee The offender's forums account name: SkylarTheVampire A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Sorry if I didnt needed to post it here at this top-off but I got banned from skywars 1. IGN: Grumuffin Reason: Swearing First im really really...
Mod having sex/date with player in mineverse server > creative Mod name: PandaBear__
+ I changed my name is anyone can help me to get my plot back msg me in private msg
How old are you?: 12.3 (10.5 may) Your in-game name: HalfNight_ What timezone are you in? IDT Israel Daylight Time What country do you live in?...