Reporting the following player: iTzDarkAngelPvP Reason: warp killing server: survival Proff: down a video [MEDIA]
bro merkz helped me.
Anyone answer please?
Hi I got tped by someone to a glitchy place that kick you bc of java issue, I tried to buy spawn from specials spawn for creative,survival,...
Can you buy it to me please? im still stuck.
accouner, saw at ur persiove posts, sup bro.
out of free busket.
Please answer.
Player: GhoulKaneki Server: Skywars Reason: /shop : abusing I want him to get atleast 3 day ban, he always uses /shop : abuse but only this time I...
I need someone to go to /buy and buy me spawn to survival,creative, factions ETC Beacuse I cant buy. ign: CrispVaffle Thank you!
Who are you?
Old igns: Masterpees, tupeeee, phellz
I do I do have
Your in-game name: CrispVaffle What timezone are you in? IDT What country do you live in? Israel What languages do you speak? Hebrew and english...
I wanted to open my chest after I changed my name, its located by my old name and I cant open it anymore, how I fix this? Old name: Masterpees...
Yep, its not claimed its a bug it happend to me before and randomninja said she dosent know what is this.
Any headmoders or develepors? a mod xHollah told me to ask for the highest mods \ devolepers to fix this problame. survival, I bought a house and...
I fixed it it was shaders, you can delete it.
I cant see on skywars, all I see is black screen \ dark blue Ive tried to do /spawn and its worked I just cant see anything I dont know why. I...