Yes. Moderating other servers is no excuse. I could tell you of I moderated like 100 servers and was inactive here I would get demoted. She should...
I see like 5-10 reports done.
Can I have evidence of reports.
Ok. If she takes up moderator spaces though it doesn't help all the other peoe trying to get mod. That's no excuse. If not one report has been...
Do you know any extra information I dont?
My ign is PvPGurl__ Moderators ign @Taylor Rules broke : Not being active at all. Sorry if I am missing stuff but I havnt seen Taylor be active...
How much money you got on kitpvp?
No support. Sorry, it's not really organized and its all spread out. Good luck though.
BMANVT's the owner.
@SooperAwesome can invispvp truce?
Me? Yes I do...
Your not quitting forever. I will not let that happen.
Yes really.
So are you quitting? If you are you would make BMANVT's life terrible. He really enjoys your company and he tells me that all the time.
Ehh support.
Could you maybe get vip? I can trade even more stuff.
Congrats all the new mods! Hope you guys do well.
Don't quit please.
I can't remember if I commented but I think I support. I like the fact that you every say that you are not experienced. That's honesty. Good luck.