Mine? 1. @mineverse 2. @Players 3. @StaffTeam 4. @MyLife 5. @Gamemodes :> @DeathAuras @toxican325 @P4U3 @Scorvix @Poteyy
Scorvix you already know that I fully support you. Nice points. Good to go m8.
I am always 1.8, also some people in the vid has escaped easily. They are perhaps in 1.8, there will be no problem if you go 1.8.
Are you leaving us like Gizz? 2Sad.
Just a prob that some players worked hard for it.
Wot? I always get 3bars. #50FPS
10T in prison for potato. No tbh.. Deal?
I feel like MV skywars is simmiliar to Minepl*x's one so I don't really play it.. Also, kit skyknight bugs. Archer pvp is good gamemode but GJZ...
Hey White this is Nat. I give my support and I've also seen you many time in-game. I already know that you are Op pvp and Kit pvp player like...
Lol yes, It was in game but now It's fixed so nvm.
Title contains all the meaning.
Neutral, sorry my friend but I haven't seen you much in-game.
First thought your pfp was a rubber duck on a table. Zoomed in and I realized what it was.
Nope.. And it is op pvp
[ATTACH] Why? [ATTACH]Why? #2 2400 blocks far away from spawn walked to far. StealthyNoob tp to me and saw this. Co-ords: 1st: 2443 95 608...
He did 2 timees.
Lol iAmori was titan and he ranked up to MVP? Lmao.