Personal info
Neutral, perhaps better to add a clan system / Plugin in infection.
Scamming is strictly not allowed in MV, bannable. Poteyy and few other players got rank upgrade.
Too sad I wanted to share public whats my story in my first day in towny.
Elric came on alt and threatend me and @Robisgreat10 in towny to give a book with few other people fully-geared. They constantly killed us and we...
Copyright © 2016, DeathAuras. All rights reserved.
Your Ingame name: NatL Why you want to join Fortsworth: New experience for towny / want awesome community / You know me WELL How long you would...
I play those 3 only :P
Cool, open space for roflers.
Give you support but to large. Quite hard for zombies to find.
Go to the plot NOW. Me & Rob & Fred added things. Added things: Chimney & Smokes Better trees Added cobblestone stairs in some roads Barriers...
[II] [Rct] NatL: Support.
Support. :hilarious:
Sry. No support.
Thats how GCheat works :)
Changing to support <3
Support, better with Nocheatplus or GCheat.
O I suck
No some people was already out there parkouring.