+1 106
Sorry I got 20% ;;
Evansaur <— personal friend :>
S u p p o r t.
[Edit] deleted
Ign: Hies Pvp skills /10: 8.7 (lagging 0.01) Why you want to join: Banana rules, I think it would be also a good clan for me to team and gain...
Y Fishing is also good since you also gain xp.. But you can't 100% be sure to catch a fish. So I prefer using wood cutter and miner which is a...
Welcome to Mineverse Rolly. We hope you enjoy your time in our awesome community, Mineverse.
I will use woodcutter or miner.
1 More support!!
Sounds like Surge but Support.
You meant like Trainee?
I also had a time yesterday when I was all-alone.
No support, Everyone in Mineverse will have rank.