Your status is "Life is too short, so give it your best shot." Is being negative and let unfair systems go without question apart of your best...
I agree with you @JettPath. They're asking you to vote everyday, that's fair enough for a rank upgrade I suppose, but a specific time? That's over...
Support. It's their choice to hack, If they're prepared to hack, then they're prepared to be banned. No point in sticking up for those who ruin...
The grammar really isn't that bad. English isn't his first language, so don't expect it to be the best piece of writing. Being realistic, there's...
Of course c:
If you vote, you can't do /bal, and yes you have to vote to /pay someone.
Correction, you can get male hoes as well :/
You're clearly not of age to know both definitions of "hoe". So don't search it, if you do, then that's on you, not me.
No, he's my hoe, and homie (Hoe-Mie)
Yeaah XD He's my Hoe-Mie
@-bubbls-bri- Thanks c;
To be honest, I'm not sure people are going to pay for you... in game money isn't really beneficial for the 'buyer'. After all, MVP is $35 or...
My first language is Cymraeg / Welsh, and my second is English.
That's good.
Yea I've been there a few times. You know Cymraeg?
When Mods Are Biased :?
A lot of talk but no action. Apparently England were definitely going to win lol. Iceland all the way.
Yea guess so, nice effort going everyday though, props for that.
Me, But only twice a week.