Cute little meme you got going on, but this is stupid.
Can't give a bad spelling rating. What a shame.
Minecraft E-Girls trigger me.
What if you don't have hands? Better keep them feet out my socks
Minecraft E-girls.
Okay Dad/Mom
I thought you were my Dad? :O This is awkward ;-;
Thank you :) Appreciate it.
Thank you :D Appreciate it.
Thanks. I don't know you, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
The confirmation code perhaps? Lol congratulations genius.
Now you're just being stupid and petty. Kid? I'm 16. Just because I disagree with your opinion doesn't mean I'm dumb, maybe if you weren't...
As you said, this is a discussion, therefore I'm entitled to my own opinion. Just because my opinion isn't the same as your, doesn't mean I'm...
The owner, or maybe even co-owner(?) are responsible to pay for the server. Therefore are they entitled to do as they wish. Maybe it's not on 1.7...
If it's so easy to do, then I don't see why you two don't make your own server and just stop complaining. I don't see why someone of your...
For an apparent "god", I've never really noticed your existence lol, so might need to step it up if you're going to think you're a god to the...