ENGLISH LEVELS WOOOHOOO! Maths- 8A English- 8B Biology- 7A (because I threw up in the dissection assessment so I'm carrying over my Year 8 grade...
Just for @purifiedbws , 'Will you accept my blue feather?' I said this to my crush irl 'Have you got a Revive, because I fainted at how attractive...
"You can't change life, you got to make the most of it." said that when kyle was demote
Right now it's half term and i'm like orchestra practice Harvest Moon ;D orchestra practice piano lesson running practice orchestra practice piano...
to not ship miningmaniac01 why does it exist as I said, matt won't slow dance with me which means he doesn't love me that much.
Why thank you <: Sounds epic!! Perhaps not just for visual art but for literature too? I know we have some great writers here.
2pretty4me I love your hair ;~;
@JustAnotherNoob :} @you @Glaadiator @purifiedbws @you @MADIS0NJR @fryzigg @you @thewholeofsweg...
i'm loooved <3
am I allowed to protest or nahh?
I trust a ton of you guys, but probably @JustAnotherNoob and @MrParkourGuy are my top 2. It doesn't mean I don't trust you, doe. It's just these...
Mattato ;D
Happy Birthday! :D
Guuuuys, could we stop arguing or at least take this somewhere else? Back on topic: Have you got the Flare, 'cuz you're driving me CRAZY! //dead
Are you from the Scorch, 'cuz you're sizzlin' hot! *cough* TMR *cough*
pics pls