apologies but 1) my phone can't use shift so i kinda used caps for that whole thing and 2) hella patronising, bro. you're like 2 years older than me.
tbh same here I'm kinda inactive too so keep in touch on SKYPE PLEASE YOU'RE KINDA A COOL GUY :3 (sorry for the caps, my phone won't use shift so...
nOT HAPPENING PLEASE :( Even if you just go inactive, please don't isolate yourselfffff (or at least come on Skype more bc if you can't taste the...
i'm still always your bae <3 tbh you were my first friend on here and still am one of the best- sorry I've become inactive BUT I'M STILL HERE!...
/kick firo3000 nudity pls wear pants :))))))
i'm thankful for your existence
you smell pretty too
glaad okay here comes a soppy paragraph about my bae <3 Okay we've had great times and bad times, 99.9% good because she's an amazing person, but...
waka waka eh eh this time for africa
[media] sorry lol
//waltzes in with English pop [media] [media]
ily2 <3
mineverse- HAHAHA REKT HAHAHA I'M THE BEST I HAVE 30000 FRIENDS AND I'M QUEEN OBEY ME real life- ...hi... Basically I'm 3000x more confident and...
I love you toooooo <3
'We gave our today for their tomorrow~' Happy Armistice Day, everyone. Never forget them, keep them living with us. <3
We will remember.
kyle's #selphy and because you're 12 you need a kid friendly non harming drug,
ily even though that seismic slam killed me 50 times but I got you back with archery <3
and yes I am considering this a metaphorical bullet because c'mon I ain't gonna book a ticket to America to save your life sorry but true I can't...
@JustAnotherNoob <3 yolo