jesus, the disagree rape is real.
The mean/rude one: No one The nice one: @tin15cro The fast one (Typing): @iMPERiaL The loud one: No one The quite one: @IdkWhatHappened The...
Something Im giving up on you
The quiet one: @iMPERiaL The disturbing one : None The weird one: @MaxNinja10 :DD The annoying one: None The loud one: @Valixta The bossy one:...
Goodluck, PM if you ever wanna talk
Are you even there? Yes, always for you Do you even care? Yes Or are you just like my enemys who were my friends and you hate me? Never
Im sure more than half this thread didnt even read the whole report. It says he got suspended for using Altoids to SIMULATE what cocaine would be...
... that profile name what im thinking?
eyebrows fleekd asf <33
I wuv you very very much
I used to be the biggest scammer on Factions.
You forgot the quotes are your quote. Technically it's plagiarizing, I learned from middle school :3
The irony in this thread
Haven't we tried this already and it ended terribly like a year ago?
Then he gets banned
>.> the demands are real
Why another one of these threads... you cant just decide who is the best PvP'er on opinion. Until each and every one of them 1v1 in a tournament...
I know some piss war is gonna start from this. So there is no "Best Gamemode". It just depends on your personal preference and what you enjoy. For...
Hm.. wonder where he got the name from