@acdc triggered!!!!!
Turn off the computer when I offend you.
I'm from [edit] op me please
Give me op I'm from the same uterus as you.
If your being cyber bullied please follow these important steps. 1. Tell your parents about it. 2. Find out how disappointed they are in you that...
Cyber bullying is very serious. Jk turn of ur computer and go for a walk.
What does that do ?
This report can be closed. This player no longer has access to this account as it wasn't his, he took it from someone and now the original owner...
Your ingame name: afkjfakjasdflasdf The offender's exact ingame name: blitztiger A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Being a...
my ign: gangstallama456 His: bman0128 Leaking My skype and talking about ddos: https://gyazo.com/8da00417d29aab07002c1b567569c148...
my ign: gangstallama456 The other kids: Pineapplecow 1: Saying MayIsBae sends nudes (I recently got banned for saying something like this to...