In Game Name: GANGMEMBERZYDONE Maturity (1-10): 9 Do you have TeamSpeak: yea Timezone: CST Donator Rank (VIP / MVP / etc..): God Age: 14 How long...
almost 30 pages and guess what, youre still not mod. No surprise there.
Can I appeal the ban?
mini mod at its worst
LOL no not gonna happen
can you reduce it for me admitting?
rip i got killed by a hacker team and said kys guess ill take the ban since no staff are ever on kit to ban these hackers
shoot, ban me on kit for 30d death threat
how long is a death threat ban?
Ign: GANGMEMBERZYDONE PvP Skills 1-10: 10 How old u are: 14 Rank: GOD How active u are: 11/10 What u can help or do for Swarm: lots
We'll see rodeen. I'm still not sure about em. We both know who he was and I know there is still some of the "old" cotner in him.
obv. I've skyped him he's not as nice as you think.
Please show this community who you really are...
Legit the biggest 1 up ever right here
She's too busy hanging with me fam ;)
Credit cards in the scanna
Pair a deeZ nutZ
How tf